What you can do this holiday with your kids!
Let’s start with some fun activities that will get your children’s little brains working, and bring you some fun too!
Arts and Crafts!
Arts and crafts help to give children a sense of achievement and boost their self-confidence and being able to make something with their hands can foster their creativity as well as problem-solving and decision-making skills. Doing these activities with your kids will also be an excellent way to connect with them and have a little fun your self!
Stone Painting
Find some stones or pebbles in your own backyard and get to work painting them with your children. Acrylic paint works best. They could be painted with pretty patterns, made into cool designs or little monsters or just decorated all over with paint and glitter. Once you’ve decorated your rocks, why not hide them around your local area for other children to come across and get inspired!
Get your glue sticks ready it’s time to make a scrapbook! Ask your children about what their likes and dislikes and start scouring their old kid’s magazines, photos of themselves as well as the internet for images. Some theme ideas are “my holiday”, “my favourite people” and “things I like to do”. Scrapbooking has a great educational motive that includes being able to define clearly and outline topic and then do research to produce material to match the topic matter. As well as this design, skills such as composition are being learnt!

Get Cooking!
Nothing is as fun and fulfilling as cooking up a storm in the kitchen with your children, after all, you get to eat the finished product! So get your baking mitts ready and get some easy baking packs from your local store and get ready for some awesome fun! Instilling the joy of cooking to children may get them excited to help around in the kitchen allot more in the future! With that in mind getting your children into any productive hobby will be very useful in the long run!

Work Hard, Play Hard!
Holidays shouldn’t be all fun and games. This is a perfect time to instil some good study habits to your children! Encourage good study habits by encouraging a positive outlook on studying and the value of studying. This should never be a forced experience, never tell your child to study, but perhaps ask them do you think you should study a little over the holiday? Don’t hassle your children too much, instead incentivise them with a reward system, you can log their study time, and based on how much they achieved, they will receive different levels of rewards! 30 minutes could equal a trip to their favourite dessert serving cafe or restaurant, 4 hours could equal a toy they’ve been asking for! Study Space is a great tool for this, as the Study Space app has a parent reporting tool where you can see what lessons your child has watched, and the amount of time they spent watching it! Keep track of their learning and when they complete the accompanying worksheets, don’t forget to reward them for their extra efforts!

Play on your child’s strengths, if they find an interest in certain topics or activities, such as programming or maths, then sign them up for advanced study or digital courses that would enhance their abilities and allow them to reach their higher potential.
Study Space
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